Apiculture in India: Types of Honey And List of Popular Bees

Published May 01, 2023

The term "apiculture" refers to a scientific way of raising honeybees. The term 'apis' signifies 'bees' in Latin. Apiculture, commonly referred to as beekeeping, is the practice of breeding and supervising honey bees in hives or other similar structures in order to obtain their honey/wax.

Apiculture is a contemporary agricultural approach that has a number of advantages when used properly. To obtain honey and beeswax for business purposes, you only need a small farm area.

The most widespread and well-known bee species in India are Indian Hive Bees (Apis Cerana Indica), Rock Bees (Apis Dorsata), Little Bees (Apis Florea), European And Italian Bees (Apis Mellifera).

Apiculture is a simple technique that requires only a few pieces of simple equipment, that are Hive, Smoker, Sharp Knife, Queen Excluder, Matchbox and other-related devices.

In Apiculture farming, varieties of honey are being extracted- Rapeseed/mustard Honey, Eucalyptus honey, Lychee honey, Sunflower honey, Karanj/Pongamea honey and Multi-flora honey.

Spring is usually the ideal season to rear the species of bees for apiculture. After the subset of cold seasons, there is an increase in forage, which makes the surroundings ideal for a new hive.

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