Published Sep 22, 2023
It involves planting, managing, and harvesting these aquatic plants. Ideal for wetland cultivation, it requires proper water and soil management for successful growth and a bountiful harvest.
For successful water chestnut farming, choose a location with a water depth of 1-2 feet and well-drained sandy loam soil. Ensure the soil pH is neutral to slightly acidic (6.0-6.8) and has consistent moisture levels.
It requires a muddy, shallow bed in a pond or wetland. Sow the seeds in rows with 2-3 feet spacing, ensuring they are submerged in water. These aquatic plants thrive in soggy conditions.
Water management in water chestnut farming is crucial. Maintaining a consistent water level ensures the plants are submerged throughout the growing season for optimal growth and yield.
Constant water management, weed control, and nutrient supplementation. Regular inspection and maintenance ensure healthy growth, leading to a successful harvest of nutritious water chestnuts.
Harvest water chestnuts when the plant tops yellow and dies (late summer/early autumn). Gently lift tubers, avoiding damage. After harvesting, rinse and store in a cool, dark place for weeks to enhance flavour.