Vanilla Farming: How to Grow the World's Most Desirable Spice

Published Jun 19, 2023

Vanilla has different varieties based on origin and flavor. The most common ones are Bourbon, Tahitian and Mexican.

Vanilla is propagated by stem cuttings from healthy vines. The cuttings should be 60-90 cm long and have at least six nodes.

Vanilla grows well in a humid tropical climate with well-drained sandy loam soil. It prefers partial shade and moderate rainfall.

The field should be ploughed and leveled before planting. The planting distance is 2 x 2 meters or 3 x 3 meters. The cuttings are planted in pits filled with organic matter.

Vanilla is susceptible to pests like mealybugs, thrips, mites, etc. and diseases like stem rot, leaf spot, etc. Pesticides and fungicides can be used as per need.

Vanilla starts bearing fruits after 3-5 years of planting. The fruits are harvested when they turn yellow at the tip. The vanilla beans are cured and dried for several months.

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