India's 6 Leading Jackfruit Producing States

Published Oct 17, 2023

Jackfruit is a popular tropical fruit in india, and Orissa's climate conditions are good for cultivation. It produces 312 thousand tonnes, which is a 16% share of the state.

Kerala is known for producing jackfruit, producing 263 thousand tonnes in india. It holds significant cultural and culinary importance in Kerala and is known as jack paradise.

Assam does also have a reasonable presence of jackfruit trees. It produces 212 tonnes which is an 11.31% share. Climatic and soil conditions are suitable for its cultivation.

West Bengal, a state in eastern india, produces 207 thousand tonnes of jackfruit and is used in cultural and culinary contexts. It is an integral part of local cuisine in the state.

Jackfruit is used to prepare various dishes, including sweets and snacks. Chhattisgarh produces 204 thousand tonnes giving a share of 10.88 % and is intertwined with cultivation.

It is consumed as domestic fruit and for commercial purposes. It is used in traditional recipes, including curries, snacks and desserts. It gives a share of 10.66 % to its state.

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