Winter Delights: Explore the Top 6 Radish Varieties

Published Sep 28, 2023

This vibrant red radish is a fast-growing favourite in Indian homes, known for its crisp texture and peppery flavour, perfect for salads and garnishes. It's easy to grow and quick to cultivate.

Like the Red Round, the Full Red radish offers a deep red hue and a touch of spice, perfect for those who enjoy some heat. Grate it into coleslaw for an extra kick.

As the name implies, the half-red radish sports a distinctive half-red, half-white look. With a milder flavour than fully red varieties, it's perfect for pickling, adding a colourful touch to your jars.

Elongated white radishes, popular in winter recipes like mooli paratha and radish curry, offer a mild, slightly sweet flavour and a crunchy texture that enhances various dishes.

With a flavour reminiscent of White Long radishes, these short and stubby varieties are well-suited for container gardening, offering an excellent option for those with limited gardening space.

Radish Pink, known for its neutral and mildly sweet flavour, is a salad and coleslaw favourite. It's versatile: sliced, grated for salads, used as a filling, in soups, snacks, and even as a palate cleanser.

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