Top 6 Most Expensive Trees in India

Published Dec 20, 2023

Red sandalwood is the priciest tree in India. It can cost anywhere from 1000 to 5000 rupees per kilogram. The scent of red sandalwood is really wonderful.

In India, one cubic foot of Gamhar tree is valued at 900 rupees. It is sold in the market for 2200 rupees per square foot. People can use the leaves of this plant to treat diseases like cancer, malaria, and diabetes.

Experts advise that a mahogany tree, yielding 40 cubic feet of wood at Rs 1,500 per cubic foot, can fetch Rs 60,000. Planting 500 trees over 12 years could generate Rs 3 crore.

A big eucalyptus tree, measuring over 210 cm around, can be sold for over a lakh in the market. This is much more than the price range set by the horticulture wing, which is Rs 28,000 to Rs 30,000.

The Karma tree, scientifically known as Nauclea Parvifolia, is used in Jharkhand festivals and is sold for 10,000 rupees. Its plant is priced at 10 to 15 thousand in Indian nurseries.

Sakhua tree's Ittrs wood, ideal for doors and furniture, is highly expensive due to its quality and versatility. Products made from Sakhua wood are known for durability and aesthetic appeal.

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