6 Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit

Published Jul 09, 2023

Dragon fruit is loaded with fibres, which helps maintain blood sugar levels. This fruit keeps you full for a longer duration, leading to less calorie consumption.

Its consumption benefits the elimination of cancerous cells in the colon. Dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants, which fight the harmful organisms in the body.

Filled with Vitamin C, Dragon fruit improves the immunity power of the body. This fruit also fights various infectious diseases for healthier body functioning.

Better digestion is another major health benefit of Dragon fruit. It contains an adequate amount of oligosaccharides, a carbohydrate which improves the digestive system.

A significant amount of magnesium is present in Dragon fruits, which keeps the bones healthy. They also help in the easier healing of wounds and relieve joint pain.

This fruit is loaded with beta-carotene, which is crucial for eye health. Dragon fruit improves vision by reducing the risk of cataracts with 220 grams of consumption.

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