Published Jun 07, 2023
India has a diverse repertoire of fruits that aren’t found anywhere else in the world. Here are some exotic and rare fruits available in India.
Mangosteen is a purple fruit with white pulp, and it has a lot of health benefits. It can reduce cancer risks, heart diseases, and diabetes.
Starfruit has a sweet-sour flavour, with many health benefits to go along: Lowers blood pressure, cholesterols, improving blood vessel function. Antibacterial and antifungal fruit.
It’s a sweet, juicy fruit native to China. It has smooth skin and soft flesh, orange in colour. Protects against inflammation, good for eyes.
Ambarella is also known as June plum or golden apple. It is green or yellow in colour and has a crunchy texture. High in vitamin C, Contains dietary fibre, and has anti inflammatory properties.
Another name for this woodapple is elephant apple, or curd fruit. Has a brown sticky pulp that’s inside a hard wooden shell. It contains dietary fibre, antioxidants and vitamin C.