Published Jul 31, 2023
Apples, plums, pears and citrus fruits contain pectins, which detoxify mercury present in the body. Here are the top five fruits you may add to control thyroid.
Kiwi is the most beneficial fruit to control thyroid since it includes vitamin C, K, and fibre. Vitamin K is an essential element in balancing blood clotting and bone health.
Pineapples are another excellent source of bromelain and anti-inflammatory properties. This helps maintain proper digestion, promoting skin health and the immune system.
Avocado is a wonderful option to control thyroid because it is rich in healthy and monounsaturated fat. Additionally, it is also high in potassium which aids hormone production.
Berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries include vitamin C and antioxidants. Berries help to preserve our well-being and immune system.
Citrus fruit such as lemons and oranges are the richest sources of vitamin C and D. It benefits the immune system and free radicals and protects your cells from damage.