Taro Root Farming : Cultivation Tips and Health Benefits of Taro

Published Jul 04, 2023

Taro root, also known as "Arbi" or "Colocasia," is a starchy tuber widely cultivated for its culinary uses and nutritional value.

Taro root is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, supporting digestive health, boosting immunity, and providing sustained energy.

Taro thrives in tropical and subtropical regions with warm temperatures and high rainfall, and it prefers well-drained, loamy soils.

Before planting, the land for taro cultivation needs to be properly cleared, tilled, and leveled to ensure suitable conditions for growth.

Taro plants benefit from organic fertilizers, such as well-rotted manure or compost, applied during land preparation and periodically during growth.

Taro roots are ready for harvest when the leaves turn yellow and start drying. Careful digging and handling ensure the preservation of the harvested crop for storage or immediate use.

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