Soil Conservation Guide : Importance and Methods

Published Jan 04, 2024

Soil conservation involves methods to protect soil from damage. It treats soil like a living system, regularly adding organic matter to keep it healthy.

Soil conservation practices aid in preventing soil degradation. These methods include crop rotation, reduced tillage, mulching, cover cropping, and cross-slope farming.

Soil conservation is vital for sustainability, preserving resources, restoring habitats, improving water quality, enhancing soil health, and creating economic opportunities.

Implementing soil conservation practices aids farmers in preserving soil, minimizing erosion-related losses, increasing water retention and cutting down on input costs.

India implements schemes like NWDPRA, IWMP, Soil Health Cards, NMSA, PMKSY, and RKVY to conserve soil, promote sustainability, and enhance agricultural productivity nationwide.

Soil erosion makes soil less good for growing plants, which means crops don't grow as well. It also carries soil in water, making rivers and streams messy and causing floods.

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