Radish Farming in India: Varieties & Growing Tips Of Radish

Published May 29, 2023

Originating in Ancient China, Radish has been a favourite delicacy among ancient Egyptians and Greeks. It is cultivated across India as a companion or intercrop.

If you are growing from seeds, it usually germinates in 5 to 8 days and takes 4 to 5 weeks to get the first harvest. Radish appreciates a cool climate, sunlight and water.

Pusa Reshmi, Pusa Desi, Arka Nishant, Pusa Himani, Chinese Pink and Pusa Chetki etc., are the popular commercial varieties developed and cultivated in India.

“Mooli” in Hindi, “Moolangi” in Kannada, “Mula” in Marathi and “Mullangi” in Tamil and Telugu. Radish is grown across India from North to South.

Radish attains its best flavour at 10 to 15C. It grows in any type of well-drained and loose soil. Winters are the ideal time to sow, with adequate irrigation and nutrition.

The crop is ready to harvest from the 3rd week onwards. It is a profitable crop with a low initial investment. Asiatic varieties produce 150-200 quintals per hectare.

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