Muskmelon Farming Tips in India : Tasty Summer Fruit

Published Apr 09, 2024

Climate Requirements

Ideal muskmelon growing conditions include temperatures between 18-30°C, rainfall of 50-75mm, sowing temperatures around 18-20°C, and harvesting temperatures ranging from 25-30°C.

Soil Requirements

Muskmelons thrive in deep, fertile, well-drained, loamy soil with pH levels of 6-7. Poorly drained soil isn't suitable. Crop rotation is vital to prevent nutrient depletion and disease. Alkaline, salty soil isn't suitable.

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Land Preparation

In North India, plough and prepare the land finely, sowing in mid-February. In Northeast and West India, sow from November to January.


Sow muskmelon seeds in mid-February, 60cm apart on 3-4m wide beds, 1.5cm deep. Use dibbling or transplanting methods, starting seeds in polythene bags with cow dung and soil in late January for transplantation.


Apply irrigation weekly in summer, reducing when fruits mature. Avoid over-flooding, wetting vines during flowering, and frequent watering in heavy soil. Stop or minimise watering 3-6 days before harvesting for sweeter fruit.

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