Top 6 Goat Breeds That Rule the Dairy Kingdom

Published Dec 15, 2023

Common in Uttar Pradesh, these large goats have a distinctive appearance, with males weighing 65-80 kgs and females 45-60 kgs. Known for big udders and teats, they yield an average of 280 kg in 274 days.

Native to north Kerala, this breed is prized for good skin and moderate meat quality. It weighs around 39 kg to 31 kg, yielding 0.9 to 2.8 kg of milk daily, averaging 65 kg per 172-day lactation.

Common in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana, Barbari goats weighing 35-45 kgs (males) and 25-35 kgs (females) are raised for milk and meat. They produce 1-1.5 kgs of milk daily and give birth to 2-3 kids per parturition.

Mainly in Punjab, Beetal goats, 50-70 kgs (males) and 40-50 kgs (females), are raised for milk and meat. They yield 1-2 kgs of milk daily, with a maximum of 591.5 kg in a 177-day lactation period.

Tellicherry goats from Kerala are raised for meat, with adult males weighing 40-50 kgs and females 30-40 kgs. They yield 1-2 kgs of milk daily, with better reproductive capabilities than other breeds.

Found in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, this breed has bucks averaging 50 kg and does 23 kg. Kidding once a year with common twins, they start at 19 months, yielding 71 kg of milk over an average 175-day lactation.

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