Horse Farming : Tips and Techniques For Horse Farm

Published Oct 03, 2023

Horse farming or horse breeding involves breeding and caring for horses for varied purposes This farming requires expertise in biology, genetics, and business management.

Starting a horse farming business needs breeding, care, finance, marketing, and risk mitigation expertise. It also requires breed selection, equipment, and business plan expertise.

The best feeding plan involves 16-18 hours of hay and pasture grazing and 2-3 small-grain meals. Each horse's diet varies based on age, weight, and activity.

Start a horse breeding business by researching demand, competition, location, and facilities. Seek expert advice, assess costs, and prepare a clear plan with specific goals.

Ensure your horse barn has easy road or driveway access for transporting supplies. Position your pole barn nearby for convenience if you have other buildings, like a hay barn or shed.

Each horse may require 30-38 acres for dryland pastures without irrigation to fulfil their forage needs. One acre is roughly the size of 210 feet by 210 feet, totalling 43,560 sq.

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