Top 5 Healthiest Fruits and Vegetables

Published Jul 25, 2023

Fruits and vegetables are God's gift to humanity, filled with nutrition in the form of protein, vitamins, minerals, and fibres. Let us take a look at 5 such healthy fruits and vegetables here.

First in this list are sweet potatoes. These vegetables mark high on the list because of their beta carotene content, which protects and enhances our vision.

Along comes sweet red peppers, containing twice the vitamin C content that oranges contain. Such vitamins are really helpful for healthy teeth and gums.

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat. In other words, eating avocados is good for maintaining your heart health in its peak conditions as compared to the high cholesterol foods.

Of course, no list about healthy fruits would be complete without mentioning bananas. With as much as 400 mg content of potassium per serving.

Broccoli is filled with flavonoids. As a result, it fights oxidative stress. As a result, it helps preserve cells and stops any inflammation, in addition to type 2 diabetes and cancer.

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