A Liver-Friendly Diet: Foods That Are Good for Your Liver

Published Aug 10, 2023

Food is one of the basic needs for an individual to live and maintain their body balance. Food helps in the functioning of the organs and keeps us fit and healthy.

Vegetables like broccoli, brussels sprouts, fish, cauliflower, olive oil, and cruciferous vegetables are rich in fibre and vitamins which help properly function the liver.

Olive oil, nuts, oatmeal, and lean proteins are some food items that help prevent liver disease, as they all are high in detox agents.

Antioxidants like coffee, raw garlic, vegetables, and food with vitamin E help cure fatty liver. Drinking more water and exercising also helps with it.

Lentils, nuts, peas, oatmeal, and soybean products like soy milk, edamame, and tofu are the best prevention food for liver cirrhosis and cure liver diseases.

Fried food like bacon, hot dogs, and processed meats tend to be high in saturated fat, which is not good for the liver as it damages the liver.

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