The Secrets of Ashwagandha Cultivation: India's Herbal Treasure

Published Nov 02, 2023

Farming ashwagandha can be profitable, but it requires careful consideration of various factors. For instance, harvesting around 450-500 kg of roots and 50 kg of seeds per acre.

This medicinal plant thrives in mild red, sandy loam, or heavy soils. It prefers soil with a pH between 7.5 and 8 and good drainage to do well.

Ashwagandha grows well between 20-38°C. It can endure as low as 10°C. The plant prefers a dry climate during its growing season. It relies on 500-750 mm of annual rainfall.

Plow the soil before planting. Make sure it's finely tilled with 2-3 pre-monsoon plowings. Enhance fertility by adding organic matter. Mix in 10-20 tonnes of farmyard manure during the final ploughing.

To enhance Ashwagandha yields, use FYM or Vermicompost (10-12T/ha). In moderately fertile soil, add 15kg 'N' and 'P.' Apply 40kg 'N' and 'P' in poor soil for better root yields.

Excessive water can harm this plant, but light showers aid seedling growth after transplanting. Employ life-saving irrigation as needed and irrigate the crop every 10 days.

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