Ajwain Farming: Proven Tips for Maximum Harvest

Published Oct 07, 2023

Alkaline soil is preferred by all types of Ajwain plants. It grows well in loose, well-aerated, and well-drained soil. Add a sufficient amount of organic manure to the soil.

Ajwain is a cold-loving crop mainly grown during the rabi season in India. In some pockets, it is also grown as a kharif crop. Rabi season crops are sown in September and October.

Ajwain plants do not require much fertiliser. Apply a balanced fertiliser once a month during the growing season. Ajwain plants control their growth and promote bushier growth.

Carom seeds or Ajwain are very sensitive to waterlogging; hence, extreme care should be taken for their cultivation. Water should be provided at intervals of 2-3 weeks in a month.

Ajwain crop is generally less affected by insect pests and diseases. However, sporadically, the crop is harmed by aphids, jassids, seed bugs, midge, root rot and powdery mildew.

The fruit matures at 120-140 days after sowing. The Ajwain fruits are greyish-brown ovoid aromatic cremocarps with a single seed. Farmers harvest them for selling.

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