India’s First Self-Driving Tractors: Can One Vision Change the Future of Farming?

Share Product Published - 19 Sep 2024 by Tractor Junction

India’s First Self-Driving Tractors: Can One Vision Change the Future of Farming?

AutoNxt, founded by Kaustabh Dhonde, is leading the way with India’s first electric tractors. With innovative models designed to transform farming, this Mumbai-based company is on a mission to make agriculture smarter and more sustainable. 

Dream big, work hard, and turn challenges into opportunities. Discover how Kaustabh Dhonde’s vision transformed Indian agriculture with self-driving tractors. His journey shows how one person's dream can drive a universal need for change.

Kaustubh Dhonde was raised in rural Maharashtra and spent most of his childhood with his grandparents, who were farmers. He experienced the challenges farmers faced in using oxen and transitioning to tractors. As a child, he remembers watching farmers plough the field with oxen, but growing up, he saw the transition to tractors, though much better in efficiency, come with its own set of problems.

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The Harsh Reality Behind Tractor-Driven Farming

As Kaustubh grew older, he started to understand that tractors helped make farming more productive but posed a whole lot of trouble for the farmers. The diesel was costly; besides, the drivers caused plenty of problems – from constant breakdowns to their own physical degradation. "You have to spend a lot on diesel and maintenance even to get these tractors on the farm. Moreover, finding a suitable driver for this tractor was another point of contention," Kaustubh notes.

Kaustubh’s engineering background led him to explore these issues more deeply. He began speaking to farmers across India to understand whether they faced the same challenges as his relatives. The overwhelming response was yes—fuel costs, driver shortages, and health issues were common pain points. This realization set Kaustubh on a mission to find a solution that could ease the burden on farmers.

The Start of AutoNxt: How Automation Began

The Start of AutoNxt

Determined to create a change, Kaustubh founded AutoNxt Automation in 2016. His goal was to design a tractor that didn’t rely on diesel, required less maintenance, and removed the need for a driver. His solution? An electric, autonomous tractor that could handle farm work with minimal human involvement.

Kaustubh and his team designed tractors that could be operated via a mobile app, allowing farmers to control them remotely. These tractors perform tasks like ploughing, tilling, and spraying, all without the need for a driver. This innovation not only reduces operational costs but also eliminates the health risks posed to drivers. AutoNxt claims that its electric tractors have operating costs one-fifth that of diesel tractors, enabling owners to break even in under two years.

From Fields To India’s First Electric Tractor Launched in Thane

India’s First Electric Tractor Launched in Thane

Kaustubh’s hard work paid off when AutoNxt launched India’s first electric tractor in Thane on 15th August. These tractors use cutting-edge technology inspired by Tesla, incorporating Level 3 autonomy to make farm work more efficient. With a charging time of just three hours, farmers no longer have to wait long to get their tractors back into the field.

Electric tractors are not only environmentally friendly, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, but they also address one of the biggest concerns in modern farming—finding skilled labour to drive conventional tractors. By eliminating the need for a driver, Kaustubh’s invention is making farming more accessible and sustainable.

Backed by Investors and Ready for the Future

Backed by Investors and Ready for the Future

Kaustubh’s revolutionary idea caught the attention of investors who believed in his vision of transforming Indian agriculture. In a recent funding round, AutoNxt raised INR 24 crore (around $3 million) from major players like Saama Capital and Bluehill Capital. This funding will accelerate the launch of electric tractors in various industries, including agriculture, airports, construction, and solar farms.

AutoNxt has ambitious plans to capture 10-20% of the Indian tractor market by 2030, starting by working with organizations that lease tractors to small farmers. This strategy ensures that even small-scale farmers can benefit from advanced technology without having to make a significant upfront investment.

A Sustainable Vision for the Future

Kaustubh’s vision with AutoNxt Automation goes beyond easier farming; it’s about sustainability. By creating electric, autonomous tractors, he’s reducing diesel use and cutting costs. This innovation makes farming more attractive to young people seeking tech-driven careers.

His work not only improves farming efficiency but also helps fight climate change by lowering carbon footprints. Through AutoNxt Automation, he’s not only creating a more efficient and sustainable farming solution but also inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs to think big and drive change.

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