JK Sona -1 6.00 X 16 Tractor Tyre - Overview
Are You Looking for Sona -1 Tractor Tyre?
That’s Great, and here we are shown all about JK Sona -1 6.00 X 16(s). In this page, you get all the features and price of JK Sona -1 6.00 X 16(s).
Following are the features of JK Sona -1 6.00 X 16(s). Let’s check.
- It comes with a size 6.00 X 16, and it is a Tractor tyre.
- Sona -1 provides smooth performance on the field.
- JK Sona -1 6.00 X 16(s) offers perfect grip with the ground.
- This JK Tractor was manufactured with puncher resistance technology.
- Along with this, Sona -1 has diameter and widths.
- JK Sona -1 6.00 X 16(s) price is convenient for the farmers.
JK Tractor Tyres Sona -1 6.00 X 16(s) price fixed according to the requirement of the farmers. They can easily afford Sona -1 6.00 X 16(s).
Sona -1 6.00 X 16(s) Features:
- Optimum tread depth
- Maximum land area for better grip
- Sharp geometry and attractive side wall
Sona -1 6.00 X 16(s) Benefits
- Suitable for all major agricultural applications
- High load carrying capacity
- Provide unique mix of enhanced productivity and fuel efficiency
For more information regarding JK Tractor Tyres Sona -1 6.00 X 16(s) price in India, stay tuned with TractorJunction. Here you can also get updated Tractor Tyre Sona -1 6.00 X 16(s) price JK.
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