Commercial farming is a method where the crops and livestock are raised to sell products in order to make money.
To raise commercial farming, a huge amount of capital investment is necessary. Along with that, it needs large scale farms, modern technologies, innovative machinery, good irrigation methods, chemical fertilizers etc. to produce a high yield. Commercial farming has the main feature consisting of modern inputs for higher productivity like good fertilizers, pesticides, weed killers and many more.
Commercial farming crops are also in high demand because they are exported to other countries. It also used as raw material in industries to make food products. Commercial agriculture marketing also varies from region to region.
Commercial Farming Meaning
“The Commercial farming meaning is that where farmer producing crops on a large scale. It is a type of agribusiness where farmers raise crops and livestock to make money by selling them in the market. As we know marginal farmers are raising crops to take care of their livelihood. On the other side, farming business owners raise crops or livestock on large scale to make a profit from it.”
Mostly, Indian farmers are also engaged in this farming. Along with this, 75% percent of the rural population involved with Commercial farming. In an urban area, farming business owners buy land to produce crops, but they rent to farmers to take care of it and raise the crop.
Types of Commercial Farming in India
There are several example of commercial farming types
- Dairy Farming
- Commercial grain farming
- Plantation Farming
- Livestock Ranching
- Mediterranean Agriculture
- Mixed Crop and Livestock Farming
- Commercial Gardening and Fruit Farming
Difference Between Subsistence Farming And Commercial Farming
The difference between subsistence agriculture and commercial agriculture can formed on following bases:
Subsistence Farming
There are some characteristics of Subsistence farming.
- Subsistence farming is doing for farmers’ personal consumption. In other words, subsistence farming is where the marginal farmers raise crops and livestock to fulfil their family requirements.
- It is a labor-intensive technique as it need too much labour input. In subsistence farming, you can increase productivity to earn high profits by adding manure to the soil.
- The use of modern agricultural techniques and methods are less in this farming. In this farming, farmers need small land and manual labourers (which can be the family members of farmers).
- The production mainly used by local consumption, with small or no surplus trade. You can produce food grains like wheat and rice, fruits and vegetables by subsistence farming.
Commercial Farming
There are some characteristics of Commercial farming.
- In this, farmers grow crops to trade. It is also called agribusiness, where farmers raise crops or livestock to make a profit by selling them.
- Following this, farmers have to invest massive capital in this farming. Usually, the farmers increase their farm productivity in this farming by high doses of manure or other modern inputs, including fertilisers, high yielding variety seeds, insecticides, pesticides and many more.
- In commercial agriculture, farmworkers have to use many modern technologies to increase farm productivity. They primarily grow the cash crops and cereals in this farming.
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