HomeBlogAgricultureTop 10 Vegetables of Summer to Grow on Your Farm

Top 10 Vegetables of Summer to Grow on Your Farm

Top 10 Vegetables of Summer to Grow on Your Farm

Scorching heat waves and rising temperatures are the indicators that summer is getting closer, and now is the time to get vegetables of summer into the ground. 

You might be wondering that I just finished planting my spring veggies and perhaps take a pause. But wait, we are discussing farming, and one needs to be a step ahead to prepare for the upcoming season. So, plant your summer crops now while you enjoy your spring crops.

Why Grow Vegetables in Summer?

On an honest note, there is no better time to grow vegetables in your garden than in summer! Long days and ample amounts of sunshine mean you can have an entire plot of summer fruits and vegetables. 

Then, either sell your products in the market or use them for fresh salads, snacking or preserving for winter. Here, we will discuss the top 10 vegetables available in summer.  

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How to choose your vegetables of summer?

Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, and spinach prefer cooler temperatures and are grown in the fall or spring. While veggies like Brinjal, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Peppers and other Indian summer vegetables prefer warm climates and longer sunlight. 

Make sure you plant these summer vegetables after the frost date in your location when all chance of frost has passed. The soil must be warm enough to ensure seed germination and root growth for your transplant. Following is a list of vegetables in summer season in India. Also, catch a glimpse of the vegetables of summer growing calendar, exclusively designed for our farmer friends. 

Vegetables of Summer Growing Calendar

Summer Crops Sowing time Days for Germination Days for Maturation
Beans Feb-Mar and April-May 10-14 55-65
Bitter Gourd Feb-Mar 8-10 55-60
Bottle Gourd Feb-Mar 7-10 55-60
Brinjal Feb-Mar 7-14 100-120
Cowpea  Feb-Mar 10-14 70-120
Cucumber Feb-Mar 7-14 60-70
Green Chilli Feb-Mar 7-10 85-95
Okra Jan-Feb and Feb-Mar 7-10 55-60
Onion April-May 7-10 150-160
Pumpkin Jan-Mar 6-10 70-75
Spinach  Feb-Mar 7-10 45-50
Summer squash Mar-May 7-14 55-60
Tomato Jan-Feb and Feb-Mar 10-14 90-100

To keep an uptick with the latest farming trends and technologies, read Top 4 Modern Farming Methods in India – Step-by-Step Guide.

Seeds or Transplants: Which is best for summer vegetables in India?

For instance, if you live in a region where it’s too late to sow seeds, let us take late April-May. Although it depends on the variety and the climatic condition, ideally, in this situation, you must opt for a transplant instead of sowing seeds for ease.

During the summer season, vegetables such as beans, cucumbers, pepper, and tomatoes grow better with seeding on the ground. They require warm soil to grow; if sown on cold soil, they might get rotten and never germinate.

With transplants available at your local nursery, these vegetables of summer plants have usually been started to grow nearly eight weeks before they go into the garden. Hence, it allows you to extend your growing and harvest season. 

How to buy suitable transplants for summer season fruits and vegetables? The first thing to ensure while buying transplants for summer vegetables and fruits is they should come without any flowers and fruits. This is because plants that come with flowers and fruits are less productive than those that come without. 

The clause here is tomato; it is less prone to lower productivity if it comes with set flowers and fruits. Please note that picking off flowers and fruits will not reverse the plant for green growth. Let us now discuss the top 10 vegetables of summer in India. Read on!

Top 10 Vegetables of Summer

Some of the top picks for summer fruits and vegetables in India:

1. Cucumber Cultivation

Cucumber Cultivation
If you are still wondering which
vegetables to grow in summer in India, Cucumber is the right pick for you. 

Cucumbers are very rejuvenating vegetables of summer that can be directly seeded on the ground. If your soil is warm, seeds could sprout, germinate in nearly three days and take 50 days to mature.

Cucumbers are the only vegetables of summer that produce best when trained onto a fence or a trail. This is because fruits have a better chance of survival when not in direct contact with soil and are less prone to critters and slugs. 

Why grow cucumbers in summer? Well, they have around 96% water content and are a hydrating option in summer, it also flushes out toxins and improves the digestive system. 

Cucumber is also rich in Potassium, Magnesium and fibre and regulates blood pressure. If you are ailing with a kidney stone. Cucumber is a good cure for you and hence are refreshing vegetables of summer

2. Sweet Corn Cultivation

Sweet Corn Cultivation

Sweet corn is next in the line of summer fruits and vegetables. It can handle hot and dry weather. The faster it grows, the hotter it gets, and it rewards with delicious crops all season long. 

Corns are one of the fine examples of vegetables of summer that require pollination. Plant corn in 4×4 sq. ft. or multiple rows next to each other to ensure pollination. Apply water diligently in the scorching summer. Corn planted with squash and beans is commonly called “three sisters.”

3. Pumpkin Cultivation

Pumpkin Cultivation

Which vegetables grow in summer? Hold on! Pumpkins grow really well during summer. It also requires much room owing to its large size and large vines.

The size of a pumpkin may vary from 5 to 40kg. And owing to this feature, these vegetables of summer creep on the ground rather than on a trellis. 

None of the other vegetables of summer is more fictional than pumpkin! Seeing a pumpkin, you might remember about the fairy tale of Cinderella or the spooky Halloween season. 

However, pumpkins are also healthy and packed with antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients that boost immunity and promote healthy skin.

4. Peppers Cultivation

Peppers Cultivation

Pepper is our next candidate in the summer season summer vegetables in India. Pepper thrives in hot weather and is one of the easiest vegetables of summer to grow. 

The brownie point is that pepper can be grown side by side with other vegetables of summer,  like tomatoes and brinjals, because they have similar requirements. All they need is ample sunshine, fertile soil and consistent watering.  

What fertilizers to feed your baby crop and nurture it at a fast pace? Read – Benefits of DAP Fertilizer – Does it Help with Crop Yield?

5. Beans Cultivation

Beans Cultivation

When asked which vegetables grow in summer? Of course, beans take the leading spot in vegetables of summer. It grows perfectly in warm soil and hot weather. 

French beans are the most common beans consumed across India. Also called green beans, they are consumed at the unripened stage. 

These French beans are tender, small, slightly tampered with, and have pointed ends. These vegetables of summer are ideal for boosting immunity and attracted a lot of coverage during the pandemic. Beans are also a good source of fibre and Vitamins C, B1 and B2. 

6. Tomato Cultivation

Tomato Cultivation

Tomatoes are one of the eye-catching vegetables grown in summer in India. These plants love the sunshine and clear sky. The best part is it could be grown around the year. 

Overall, these vegetables of summer require 6-8 hours of sunshine and well-drained and rich soil. They are heavy feeders and require plenty of fertilizers and consistent irrigation. 

7. Brinjal Cultivation

Brinjal Cultivation

Call it brinjal or eggplant; the widely regarded plant for its antioxidant activity has outstanding fibre content and phytonutrients. It is one of the best summer season vegetables in India. 

The finest quality brinjal comes with tight and smooth skin. Brinjals with mushy spots or wrinkled bits must be avoided. 

The original brinjal/eggplant was white in colour, and that’s how it was named. Loaded with impressive amounts of vitamins and minerals, these vegetables of summer come in a different array of colours ranging from purple and black to translucent white. 

Find your best time to water plants in summer because brinjals appreciate water and sunshine just like their cousins’ pepper and tomato.

8. Beetroot Cultivation

Beetroot Cultivation

One can’t deny the delicacy of hummus-pita. And hence, beetroots become the best vegetables to grow in summer. Beet seeds need cooler soil temperatures to germinate; thus, they should be sown in early summer.

They require plenty of water to have evenly formed roots and less banding. Beets are also double-duty crops and yield delicious greens and roots and hence, one of the best vegetables of summer.

9. Onion Cultivation

Onion Cultivation

With a miraculous anti-ageing property, these vegetables of summer can be consumed at any age of maturity. Hence, onions are one of the good summer vegetables to grow. 

In the Indian context, onions are the only vegetables of summer known to withstand heat tolerance. 

Onions can be grown in mixed soil with aged compost. Plant them indoors in the spring and put them out when springs are over.

10. Carrot Cultivation

Carrot Cultivation

Carrots are one of the must-grow vegetables in the summer season. All you need is to be diligent and keep them well-weeded in the soil and never let them dry, as weeds can pop up, which is very likely in dry soil.

These vegetables of summer need to be planted before summer approaches. Pluck them in the early morning and enjoy the refreshing crispness. 

Final Words

When summer days heat up, your gardens will be happy if you plant any of the above-mentioned fruits and vegetables in summer season

These vegetables of summer are heat-tolerant and need a minimum of one hour of water per week. Also, read an especially tailored blog post for Indian cotton farmers: Comprehensive Information on Cotton Production in India.

Tip: During the hot season, harvest these vegetables of summer in the cool morning hours before the heat is transferred to your summer crops and enjoy freshness and joy. Happy summer growing!

Frequently Asked  Questions

Ques. What is the best vegetable to grow in summer?

Ans. The list of summer vegetables name in English include: Cucumber, Tomato, Pepper, Beans, Corn and Onion. 

Ques. What vegetables grow in really hot weather?

Ans. Some of the summer vegetables name in India that grow in really hot weather are Brinjal, Onion, Carrot, Beans and Cucumber.

Ques. What are plant diseases?

Ans. Plant diseases are a stage that disrupts the physiological functions of plants or any vegetables of summer by interfering in functioning. 

Ques. What vegetables of summer need six hours of sun?

Ans. Following is a list of summer vegetables name that requires six hours of sunshine: Beetroots, Onions, Carrots, Cucumbers and Beans.

Ques. What fertilizer does cucumber need?

Ans. When we name summer vegetables, cucumber appears to be one that needs moderate nitrogen and high phosphorus and potassium.

Still in a dilemma and need more clarity on the latest farming practices? Go through our extensive and user-focused Agriculture FAQS.

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