HomeBlogAgricultureGuava Fruit Farming in India – Tips, Benefits & Yield

Guava Fruit Farming in India – Tips, Benefits & Yield

Guava Fruit Farming in India - Tips, Benefits & Yield

Owning to the benefits of guava, India is the leading producer of Guava fruit in India. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra are leading states known for producing the highest quantity of this fruit in large cultivable land areas.

Guava is a rich source of Vitamin C and pectin that serves daily nutrition requirement of average human. Furthermore, guava calories per fruit is about 37g, which aids as a healthy snack to munch and lose weight. 

If we talk in trading aspects, Guava fruit farming is highly remunerative. Farmers can see the production scaling and can earn a potential income up to Rs 2,70,000 after two years.

If you are interested in Guava farming in India, we got you. This guide will talk about how you can carefully sow, plant and harvest this plant in any land size you own. Plus, we will also help you identify what profit potential this highly medicinal and nutritive fruit contains.

So, let’s continue with benefits of eating guava first!

Benefits of Guava Fruit Farming

Guava fruits are highly nurtitive and have following health benefits:

  • Guavas can help lower blood sugar levels.
  • The fruit has high level of antioxidants & vitamins in guava leaves that protects heart from free radicals.
  • This beneficial fruit can help relieve stomach cramps as well.
  • Being rich in fibre, the fruits aids overall bowel and digestion.
  • A single guava contains only 37 calroie. And it alone meets 12% of daily fibre intake. Being a low-calorie fruit, this one can be consumed to feel fuller and aid weight loss.
  • Studies have shown that the fruit is helpful at stopping cancer cells from growing.
  • Also, they are richest source of vitamic C, which helps keep various kinds of  illnesses and infections away.
  • This fruits works miraculously for skin ageing and wrinkles as it is rich in antioxidants.

Apart from just the fruit, guava leaves benefits the body too. They have medicinal properties that treats acne by improving skin texture. They are as well rich in antibacterial, medicinal and inflammatory properties.

Now we know how guava leaf benefits overall health, let’s discuss the complete process of Guava farming in depth.

Technical Factors to Sow, Grow & Harvest Guava Fruits

1. Soil Requirement for Guava

Guava can grow in various shallow, medium and alkaline soil. Ideally, they can grow in well-drained soils having 0.5 to 1m depth. The ideal ph level between 4.5 to 8.2 are ideal for growing guava plants.

2. Climatic Conditions for Guava

Guava fruits can grow in tropical and sub-tropical regions at height of above 1500m. The fruit can easily tolerate frosts and drough conditions in North India during summer spells. However, to much frosting period should be avoided as it can kill young plants.

Annual rainfall should be about 100cms during July – September months. Moreover, there shouldn’t be much rainfall during harvesting season as it hamper the quality of produce.

3. Propagation of Guava

Stooling or air layering are one of the best, easiest and affordable method to propagate guava fruits. Growing guava fruits from seeds is tough and can further cause poor quality yield.

For proper propagation:

  • Select branches of pencil diameter that are not near any joining points.
  • Further, cut and peel off a branch skin of 2 inch.
  • Additionally, add a rooting substance of NAA 500 PPM or IBA 500 PPM against the peeled area.
  • Cover this in a polythene and further layer it with a moist moss. Preferably July to September is the ideal time to layer.
  • You will see roots growing from the cutting branch on an average after 20-25 days. 

4. Flowering and Pollination

Guava trees can bloom all year around during early springs in mild climates. The flower contains both male and female parts equally. You can easily find honeybess pollinating guava flowers. If in case you don’t find so, you can arrange and put them around as well.


  • You can use any regular paintbrush to ensure flowers are tickled.
  • Before flowering stage, spray 5% urea solution and some wetting solution.
  • Further, the plant should be watered once the urea dries. 

5. Sowing Time & Planting Space for Guava

February to March and August to September are ideal months for planting guava fruits. There should be a distance of 5-8m between plants. However, the actual distance can vary according to soil fertility and the available irrigation facilities. Moreover, the ideal spacing distance is — 6mX6m with capacity of 110 plants per acre.

Furthermore, the high density planting can lead to erect growth of branches leading to tall plants with more yield per acre.

6. Planting & Land Preparation

To prepare the land, land levelling, ploughing and weeding should be done before dry season approaches. Before the arrival of monsoon season, pits of dimensions 1mX1mX1m should be made. And each hole should be filled with:

  • 500 gms of SSP
  • Farmyard Manure 25 kg
  • 15 kg Neem cake
  • Lindane power 50 gms
  • Soil to fertilise and avoid termites

The best time period for sowing is between August to September. However, February to March are ideal for planting process.

7. Fertiliser & Manuring for Guava

Guava cultivation requires organic manure matter and inorganic fertiliser to grow quality yield. Following fertiliser schedule can be followed to grow and harvest quality guava fruits.

Fertiliser Schedule for Guava 
Additionally, farmers must spray:

  • 0.34 kg slaked lime.
  • 0.45 kg zinc sulphate diluted in 16 gallons of water (only if trees are deficient in Zinc).
  • Also, to get quality tree and fruit, apply 0.3% zinc sulphate and 0.4% Boric acid before flowering stage.

However, your sprays quantity and frequency will depend on the plant’s deficit.

8. Irrigation for guava

20-25 days of irrigation is sufficient for the guava trees during winter season. Moreover, guavas are prone to grow in rainfed conditions. Drip irrigation method is highly suitable for guava tree cultivation. Also, this method saves 60% of water bills.

It is preferable to go with deep root watering during dry season. However, the soil should be allowed to dry between the watering stage.

Key Takeaways:

  • During growing season, watering is important. 
  • Once the winter climate arrives, the watering can be halted. 
  • Moreover, during flowering stage, over-watering should be stopped as this can cause flower to drop.

9. Harvesting and yield of Guava fruits

After 120 – 150 days of pruning the types of guava fruits are ready to harvest. Guava trees can ideally grow two crops within a year during hot climate. Moreover, a large crop develops in summer and one small crop develops during winter time. 

However, to identify if the fruits are matured and ready for harvest, the fruits will appear pigmented light green colour. The matured fruits shouldn’t be kept on the trees longer and must be harvested once they appear ripe.

A grafted tree can produce 350 kg guavas per tree. Moreover, per acre of land, the yield can be 60-150 kg or 6 tons.

Additional Care to Give 

  • The plantation needs great protection from fire, insects, fungi, weather abnormalities, etc.
  • To achieve full plant growth, there should be balanced sun exposure and part shade given to the plant. 
  • Moreover, too much hot temperature should be avoided.
  • In addition, extreme cold temperatures should be avoided as this can cause mature plants to lose leaves and yound plant can die of frost damage.

Production of Guava in India – 10 Popular Guava Producing States

Do you know India exports Guava to 30 countries worldwide? Globally, the popular states that take care of production of Guava are:

  • Brazil
  • India
  • South Africa
  • Egypt
  • Jamaica
  • Thailand

Here is the table showing production of Guava in India from leading states during 2020-21. These states have been leading producers of Guava fruits as they have increasing production volume and favourable agro-climatic conditions to thrive this farming kind. 

10 Popular Guava Producing States

These were the states with highest production of guava in India. Let’s talk about what profitability and cost estimates this farming types has.

Cost & Profit in Guava Cultivation

The cost of Guava plant is Rs. 100/piece (however, other varieties can cost as maximum as Rs 140-200 per piece).

On ane acre of land, almost 112 saplings or plants can be planted. On an average a single plant can produce yield of 20-40 kg. The yield increases with each passing year.

Let’s do a rough cost analysis of Guava farming in India…

Cost of 1 kg Guava = Rs 40-100 (depending on market type)

Insecticides & pesticides costs = Rs 600/kg.

Average Cost to Produce Quality Guava Fruits

Total income of the produce after 2 years = Rs 2,70,000

Total return on investment = Rs 68,800

Loans and Subsidies for Guava Farming

Currently Telangana Government is providing subsidy to guava cultivation. The amount will depend on the spacing for planting maintained and latest cultivation practices adopted.

Gujarat Government is also supportive of subsidy for guava cultivation. Thus, they are providing subsidy for acquiring saplings (277 saplings per acre of land).


Guava cultivation has tremeodous potential to scale and earn profits. Within two years, farmers can see viable earning output of approx.  Rs 2,70,000.

Given, they should follow proper cultivation practices as explained above and buy the best farming tractors and implements from top brands. 

Also, provided the benefits of guava fruits, we don’t think the interest and market for this fruit will ever shrink. In fact, it will also increase.

Confused which tractor to buy? Try this tractor comparison tool to compare and contrast different tractors models based on 100s of factors like price, hp, engine perforamce, and many others. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Ques. How long do guava plants take to grow?

Ans. Guava trees becomes fruit bearing within 3 to 4 years after planting. Moreover the yield of single tree can be 23–36 kg or more per year. 

Ques. How many guavas can I plant in 1 acre?

Ans. 132 guava plants can be planted in one acre. Moreover, the roots should be sown at the depth of 25 cm. And for planting, spacing of 6×5 m is preferred, followed by planting distance of 7m.

Ques. What are the different types of Guava in India?

Ans. The popular types of guava in India are:

  • Allahabad Safeda
  • Sardar (Lucknow 49)
  • Pant Prabhat
  • Lalit, Dhareedar
  • Chittidar
  • Arka Mridula
  • Khaja (Bengal Safeda).
Ques. Which is the best guava variety in India?

Ans. Allahabad safeda is one of the best Guava variety cultivated and grown in India.

Ques. Is guava during pregnancy safe?

Ans. Guava is highly nutritious that is highly suitable for pregant women. The fruits being rich in fibre helps in relaxing muscles, reducing constipation and aiding overall digestion. Thus, Guava tree farming is highly scalable in India.

Ques. What is the scientific name of Guava?

Ans. Psidium guajava is the scientific name of Guava.

Ques. Is Guava production in India profitable?

Ans. The average yield of different types of guava is 3 tonnes (2700 kg). Cost of 1 kg guava leaf plant is Rs 40.00-100.00. Total revenue after two years from Guava cultivation in India is Rs 2, 70,000.00.

Ques. How to grow guava tree faster?

Ans. To grow guava tree faster make sure they are not facing immense heat or aren’t turned to too much frost. Give proper watering in seedling and growing stage. And provide proper schedule of fertiliser and manure.

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